Well, this week has not been that exciting for us... hence hardly any new pictures. We have stayed at home most of the week trying to catch up on our sleep! The babies sleeping patterns are still different every night. Bath time is always at 7:00 pm, night night bottles and story at 7:30 pm, and hopefully they will be asleep by 8:00 pm (although it does not always work out like that). Most nights both babies sleep fairly well until about 1:00 - 2:00 am, but then after that it seems like I am up (and having to wake Len up) every hour after that. So by the time Friday rolls around, I am exhausted and ready for Len to pull the all
nighters! (Since I work every Saturday, Len takes Friday and Saturday night shift duty and lets me sleep).
Anyways, here are a few pictures of little odds and ins just so that you can look at something! (I know the grandparents enjoy all the pics they can get their hands on!)

One day while Laurel was at school, Aunt Kim and Holly came over to visit. Here is Holly (with a half eaten chicken nugget in her teeth) hugging her little cousin.

Both babies are starting to get attached to their
lovables (that's what we call them anyways). Every afternoon they have to have their lovable to hold on to when they are taking their naps. It has just been in the past week or so that they have been wanting to hold on to things... Maddie really has a killer grip!

This was so cute! They were both talking to each other and then all of a sudden decided that they wanted to hold hands. So cute. It's not unusual for them to grab on to each other... but normally they grab at each others ears and pull (not enjoyable for the baby getting his or her ear pulled). So I loved that they finally decided to be nice to each other and hold hands!

Here is our current crib situation. As you can see its getting a little crowded! It is funny because we will lay the babies down the same way every night, and every time when we go back in to check on them they are in opposite directions of where we put them. Gavin loves to get his little head in the bottom right hand corner and Maddie finds herself snuggled up to the far left hand side of the crib. We really need to separate them (they might sleep a little better), but there is not enough space in their room for another crib, and Mommy doesn't have the heart to put them in separate rooms yet. So this will have to work for a little longer. Oh, and I know... the American Academy of Pediatrics would have a fit about the sleeping on the tummies.... but if anyone is going to get any sleep at our house, the babies have to be on their tummies!