We recently took the babies to Dewberry Farm. It was a lot of fun! I love the fall season, and I love family traditions. I look forward to going back to the farm every year and getting to do more as the kids get older. This year we stuck to the basics... we went out to the pumpkin patch and got lots of pictures. As the kids get older there will be more to do, like the corn maze and the camp fires. Over all we had a great day. I was amazed at how great the babies did. Even though it was a little on the warm side, the babies had a great time with no melt downs!

I love this picture of Maddie showing off those pretty eyes and chubby checks!

The babies love to ride on their Daddy's shoulders.... they especially love to mess up his hair

"Hey Dad, don't tell Mom I'm playing in the dirt!"

Maddie and Daddy on the hay ride to the pumpkin patch

Gavin and Mommy on the hay ride

Here they are picking their pumpkin. Poor Gavin was stuck wearing one of Maddie's hats all day because the one I brought for him was to small!

"Okay Gavin, you can have that pumpkin... I'm going for the big one!"

I can't believe it, we got a picture of all four of us looking in the same general direction! It's a miracle!

Madaleine discovering that hay doesn't really taste that great.

A picture on a tractor
Daddy: "Just hurry up and take the picture"
Maddie: "I didn't even want to get up here"
Gavin: "How in the world are we going to get down off of this thing"


Our first little pumpkin sitting in the pumpkins...

Our second little pumpkin sitting in the pumpkins...

And you guessed it... both of our pumpkins sitting in the pumpkins!

The car ride home...

was so peaceful!