Wednesday, November 19, 2008
This is not a real emergency
The babies are in rare form today... they are both extremely cranky. I think it has to do with them now deciding that they only want one nap a day now. Anyways, Madaleine just would not stop crying this morning... I mean NOTHING would make her happy. I tried holding her, giving her a bottle, playing... nothing would work. I eventually just picked her up and sat down on the couch with her and gave her the phone because I know that she loves to play with the phone. We normally don't let the babies play with the phone, but if they do we are always right there to hang up if they call anyone. It has always been in the back of my mind, "what if they call 911 or something like that", but I have always told myself what are the chances of them actually pressing talk, then 9, then 1, and then 1 again in that sequence? Well, you should never underestimate a baby I guess. I had her snuggled up to me and she was finally happy playing with the phone. I looked down and noticed that she had pressed 91111111. I immediately hung up hoping that by her adding all those extra ones that she really didn't call 911. Not even 5 seconds later I get a call from a guy named Robert from 911 telling me that he had received a call from our number and he was wanting to know if we had a real emergency! I told him no, that it was just my baby daughter playing with the phone (meanwhile she is screaming in the background because I have taken the phone away from her) ... I couldn't get anything else out before he hung up on me. AHHH! I can't believe she did that, and I can't believe that I doubted that she could actually call 911! I have learned my lesson... the babies don't get to play with the phone anymore... no mater how cranky they are!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Please excuse me!
Okay, this might make you think that I am a rude person (which I like to believe that I am not), but I have to blog about it anyway. The other day I decided that I needed to go to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner. Of course a "few things" turned into an entire list full of groceries that I needed to get. It was a Monday afternoon at about 2:00, so I thought that it wouldn't be very crowded... boy was I wrong (I guess people are trying to get ready for Thanksgiving). I was amazed when I got there of how rude people can be! Here I am pushing my big double stroller with two fussy babies with one hand and pulling a cart full of groceries behind me with the other, and people still expect ME to move out of their way through the isles! I guess that you could see the look on my face of how angry I was about the whole situation because one guy (after seeing me give this person a look of "are you kidding me????") said, "man... that's gotta be hard!" You think?!?! So, next time I'm in the grocery store, I will try to be polite but just excuse me if I come off a little rude.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
11 months and walking!
Well, the day has come... Madaleine has learned how to walk! She is still a little shaky some days, but she is getting the hang of it really fast!
Party time
It's almost time to celebrate the babies first birthday! I can't believe how the time has just flown by and how much our little babies have grown! I made them their party hats the other day... aren't they cute?

Gavin... "Mom, seriously... can't you find something better to do with your time???"

Maddie... "It's not a party unless there is food!"

Gavin... "Mom, seriously... can't you find something better to do with your time???"

Maddie... "It's not a party unless there is food!"
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
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