I then brought out another new thing for the babies... Cheetos. No doubt, they loved them.

The kids have also been climbing up on things a lot more lately. This is not a good thing, because although they can get up, most of the time they don't know how to get down therefore resulting in a few crashes to the floor. Here is what they have discovered to climb on most recently... the window seat!

Climbing on the window seat is not a good idea for two reasons. First, there is nothing but hard tile below. I just know that one day they will fall down and hurt their little pumpkin heads. Second, they love to mess with the blinds which are already broken because of the cats. Remember people, we have our house on the market... people don't like broken blinds!
Going on to our next subject... the twins have officially graduated from babies to kids because they got their first pair of converse shoes!
They are just so adorable! I can always remember my brother wearing these... and he still does! Our kids for some reason LOVE shoes. They look so grown up when they wear these!

Going on to our next subject... the twins have officially graduated from babies to kids because they got their first pair of converse shoes!

And last, but not least, the carousel. We took the kids down to Kehma this past weekend. They had a blast riding on all the rides. The favorite was the carousel.
This was Madaleine and I waiting in line for the carousel. When I saw this picture, I just laughed. I mean look at her! She is just lounging in my arms while waiting in line. SPOILED!
And here is that precious girl on her zebra. She loved it!
Gavin got to ride on it with Daddy. He wasn't quite sure what to think of it, but by the second time he rode, he figured out that it is fun after all!
We also rode the train. By then, both kids were tired, so the train ride wasn't such a hit.

We also rode the train. By then, both kids were tired, so the train ride wasn't such a hit.