So, I know you are probably wanting to break up with me in this blogging world because you haven't heard from me in a while. I am not intentionally avoiding you. You've heard my story before though, I've just been busy lately. In an attempt to get you to not break up with me, this post is going to be
extremely full of pictures to try and catch us up. Here we go....

As you can see, Maddie's hair is getting long enough for me to put pony tails in. I love to do it... she hates for me to do it. This is what her hair looks like after she pulls out the pony that I so loving put in. Talk about a bad hair day.

I also love playing dress up with her. Unlike getting her hair done, she totally gets into playing dress up. Isn't this dress cute???
Madaleine's Easter wasn't the greatest for her. First, she busted her lip and then later on that same day she tripped and busted her eye on a table. The poor baby still has a black eye AND lip today. I felt so bad for her.

Here is Gavin being the monkey he is! He now gets up and down from the couch as he pleases. This is where our two couches come together. We have a lamp back there and we also usually throw anything we don't want the babies getting to back there (like the lap top you see in the picture). Gavin now can get to this spot that was once kid free. He knows that this is a no no, and I think that is what makes it that much more exciting for him. I guess you can't blame a boy for wanting his own fort though can you?

Here are the kids walking in the mall with their Daddy. We were actually in line to see the Easter bunny, and the kids were getting very antsy. Long story short, after all that waiting in line we still didn't make it to the
Easter bunny. It was just taking way to long. I guess we will try again next year.

We took the kids to the beach a few weekends ago. It was really windy when we first got there, and the sand was hitting them in the faces, which they really didn't like very well. So we went to eat and tried again. By then, the wind had calmed down and they were more interested in the sand. I had not planned on letting them get in the water (it's Galveston people.... yuck!) We did however "chase" the waves back and forth. The kids had a blast with that! Before we knew it though,
Madaleine had tripped and fell on her
bootie and a wave came at the same time... she was soaked. She thought it was HILARIOUS. So, it was all over then. My kids have now had the pleasure of "swimming" in the nasty water of Galveston... something I would have never dreamed of me letting them do.

Here they are "swimming" in the ocean, clothes and all!

Gavin running to the waves

I love these pictures. They look so small compared to the big ocean.

"Okay Mom, I'm ready to go home now. First, I'm soaking wet. You
should have brought my swimsuit. Second, this sand stuff turns into mud when it gets wet and it sticks to my feet. Not cool. Third, I just realized this doesn't taste like my bath water. It's way to salty for my
liking. This beach stuff is way over rated... take me home."
Well, I hope those are enough pictures to satisfy you for now. Stay tuned... I've got a picture of Madaleine just as terrified of lizards as her Mommy coming up in the next post!