Date nights are the best! Especially when your hubby takes you out for steak! This date night was even better because we didn't know it was going to be date night until a few hours before. A big thanks to Angie for volunteering to watch our two kiddos!!!
And do you guys remember the obsession at our house with the helmets? Well...

As you can see... the obsession is still there.

Len just calls it taking safety to the next level, ha! I guess that's a good way to look at it.

Madaleine has started to notice the flowers (weeds) growing in our yard, and is constantly picking them for me. So sweet. I love that girl!

And I love this boy... and trust me, he is ALL boy. Notice the helmet again... ahem... and the dirt on his little bootie. Yes, it is only dirt. I promise. Boys like their dirt.

Madaleine thinks it is the most fabulous thing when she gets to wear one of our t-shirts to bed. When I pulled it out for her to wear that night, she seriously said, "OHHH... my favorite shirt!"

Guess he had to stand up on the ottoman because it was the only place he
could actually stand. They are a mess with their toys... literally.