Here they are as cute as can be!

The babies after eating prunes... and if you think that their faces are messy, you should see what comes out of their diapers after eating prunes!

This is the problem with the babies knowing how to roll over... you can't keep them still long enough to even get a diaper on them!

The other day we decided to take a walk... it started to sprinkle on us while we were out. Maddie was safe in the stroller and not getting wet because of the stroller cover, but Gavin didn't have anything over him to keep him dry, so I made Len take him out and put him in his shirt. Gavin thought it was the funniest thing ever... he was laughing the rest of the way home! Very cute! And when we got in from the walk...

... Gavin's hair was wet... so Mommy decided to give him a mohawk! It was hilarious!

We went to the pedi for the babies 6 month well visit, and the Dr. told us that we could start giving the babies a sippy cup to play with and get used to. As you can see, Maddie already has it figured out!

This is such a great picture of Maddie and my Dad. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. He has decided to not go through treatment for his brain cancer. I personally am having a very hard time with having to accept the fact that my Father is dying... so please pray that I can come to terms with it and that my family may as well. We all love him so much, and we want to enjoy the last moments we have with him.
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