We put our house on the market to sell today! The pessimist side of me knows that it will probably take forever to sell, especially since there are like 6 for sell all around ours! We are excited though. We have really been working hard to get this place ready to put on the market.
Anyways, with it being the first day on the market, I was not expecting anyone to come take a look at it today. I was thinking it would take at least a few days before we got a call on it. Well, I was wrong! We all know that trying to keep a house clean with 15 month old twins is just about the hardest thing in the world to do. This morning the babies were cranky, so I decided to get out with them and do some much need clothes shopping. When we got home, the babies took about an hour nap and I was able to do a few things around the house. When the babies woke up, we ate lunch and I played dress up with Madaleine and all her new clothes. I was not in the least bit worried about the mess we were making. The babies were still a little cranky, and since it was a nice day, I decided to take them to the park. I left my messy home just the way it was, and went out to thoroughly wear out my kiddos so that they could come home and crash. I was really looking forward to that loooooooooong nap I just knew they would take after spending an afternoon at the park. The kids played their little hearts out at the park... my mission was achieved, my kids were exhausted! So we headed home to take that nap. Just as we were pulling into our neighborhood, I get a call from a realtor saying that they want to show the house in 30 minuets! AHHHHHHHHH! Of course I said no problem, but I was stressin my friends!!! All I could think about was that huge mess in my house and that there would be no way I would be able to clean it up with the kiddos (who were screaming their heads off because they were soooo tired). I pulled into the driveway, got the kids out, and ran over to my neighbors house (they have a little girl the twins age.) They were so kind to watch the babies for me so I could clean up the house. I was somehow able to get everything done, picked up the tired kids, and headed out to chick-fil-a for dinner. It was miserable. I never take the kids to eat by myself. It is extremely difficult. And with them being so tired already, it made it that much more difficult. We survived though. So the moral of the story is that I really do need to be prepared to have anyone come look at the house at any moment. This my friends just might be the death of me! So, if you have any suggestions on how to do this seemingly impossible task of keeping the house ready to show at all times, please enlighten me!
P.S. I will be sure to post some pics of the babies at the park a little later.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Just a bunch of things...
Well, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I don't really have a lot of time right now, so this post just has a mosh posh (is that even a word??? It will be today!) of things in it. I just wanted to at least be able to get something up today... so here it goes!
This weekend was good for us. I actually had this Saturday off, so we were able to get a lot of things done here around the house that really needed to get done. We also went to L and N's first birthday party and had a lot of fun. (Angie, you did an awesome job with their party... everything was so cute!) Also, this was a big weekend for the babies. They graduated from the llama class to the penguin class at church! I was soooo excited for them to graduate to their big boy and girl class. I talked it up a lot to the babies, not like they even knew what was going on, but I did it anyways! They absolutely loved their new class, but me on the other hand... ummm, not so sure about it. You see, in the llama class, I was able to go into the room and talk to the teacher every Sunday to give her the same speech (Call me if they start crying, their sippy cups are here, etc). Much to my surprise, at the penguin class, the teacher takes your child from you at the door. I wasn't even able to walk my babies into the class... aghh! And my "speech"... nope, couldn't do that either! I mean to tell you, they just took the babies and off they went to play! Later after we sat down for church, I made Len go back there to "get my wallet out of the diaper bag" and to casually tell them a watered down version of that "speech". I mean come on, the teacher needs to know that my babies have their sippy cups in the bag! (I know some of you are rolling your eyes right about now, but remember, I am the Mom who stays home with her babies and hardly ever has anyone else watch them... ). Anyways, they did great and I somehow survived the penguin class... ha!
And on to the pictures...
Here they are playing in the ball pit at the birthday party
Maddie playing with the balloon
Now isn't this the cutest picture ever? Gavin was telling us that he liked this new ride and that he needed one for home!
They love each other! It's hard to tell, but Gavin is giving Madaleine kisses!
Look at those curls!
So precious!
This weekend was good for us. I actually had this Saturday off, so we were able to get a lot of things done here around the house that really needed to get done. We also went to L and N's first birthday party and had a lot of fun. (Angie, you did an awesome job with their party... everything was so cute!) Also, this was a big weekend for the babies. They graduated from the llama class to the penguin class at church! I was soooo excited for them to graduate to their big boy and girl class. I talked it up a lot to the babies, not like they even knew what was going on, but I did it anyways! They absolutely loved their new class, but me on the other hand... ummm, not so sure about it. You see, in the llama class, I was able to go into the room and talk to the teacher every Sunday to give her the same speech (Call me if they start crying, their sippy cups are here, etc). Much to my surprise, at the penguin class, the teacher takes your child from you at the door. I wasn't even able to walk my babies into the class... aghh! And my "speech"... nope, couldn't do that either! I mean to tell you, they just took the babies and off they went to play! Later after we sat down for church, I made Len go back there to "get my wallet out of the diaper bag" and to casually tell them a watered down version of that "speech". I mean come on, the teacher needs to know that my babies have their sippy cups in the bag! (I know some of you are rolling your eyes right about now, but remember, I am the Mom who stays home with her babies and hardly ever has anyone else watch them... ). Anyways, they did great and I somehow survived the penguin class... ha!
And on to the pictures...

Friday, February 20, 2009
The lizard
In an attempt to turn my thumb green, I have been taking the kids outside everyday to play and to water our front flower bed. This is what greets me as I am pulling out the water hose every single day...
... a lizard! If you know me at all, you know that I absolutely am afraid of lizards, frogs, snakes... the list goes on and on. I mean to tell you, they give me MAJOR hee-bee-gee-bees my friends! Just look at it! Doesn't it look like it's saying, "Jessica... any second now I'm going to jump off this water hose on to you and make you scream like the girl you are!" It gives me the creeps just looking at it.
So what's the point of this post? Nothing really... just a post about me and my fear of my friend that is there to greet me every single day! Also that this lizard might be my down fall to the green thumb I am trying to grow.
Let's just pray that Gavin doesn't come home one day with a frog in his pocket!
Have a great weekend everyone.

... a lizard! If you know me at all, you know that I absolutely am afraid of lizards, frogs, snakes... the list goes on and on. I mean to tell you, they give me MAJOR hee-bee-gee-bees my friends! Just look at it! Doesn't it look like it's saying, "Jessica... any second now I'm going to jump off this water hose on to you and make you scream like the girl you are!" It gives me the creeps just looking at it.
So what's the point of this post? Nothing really... just a post about me and my fear of my friend that is there to greet me every single day! Also that this lizard might be my down fall to the green thumb I am trying to grow.
Let's just pray that Gavin doesn't come home one day with a frog in his pocket!
Have a great weekend everyone.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Big shoes to fill
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Baby blue eyes
Happy Valentines Day
Sorry it's a little late... but better late than never. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend! Valentines Day for us was somewhat uneventful... with it being a Saturday I was at work and Len was at home with the kids. I did however get a special treat... Len brought the kids up to see me at work for a little while and brought me my favorite Sonic drink. When I got home this is what Len "made" for dinner...

... a heart shaped pizza... ha! He really knows his way into my heart after a long day at work!

... a heart shaped pizza... ha! He really knows his way into my heart after a long day at work!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Take it to heart
The other day on the radio, I heard Liz Jordan talking about how you should take your complements for what they are, encouragement, and not make your response to those compliments negative.
She was soooo talking to me.
Yesterday my husband came home from work to find us sitting down at the table eating dinner. I seemed, to him anyways, to have everything under control. From his perspective the house looked clean, dinner was ready, the kids were actually quiet and eating, and there were even fresh baked Valentine cookies on the counter. He said to me, "Awww... look at you, little Mrs. Homemaker!" I immediately rolled my eyes. I mean come on.... me ... Mrs. Homemaker? I said, "What are you talking about Len?" He replied back everything that I mentioned above. I told him that I was not even hardly a good homemaker. The house wasn't that clean. I literally have to tell people when they walk in the front door to make sure they look where they are walking... I wouldn't want anyone to trip and fall and break an arm over all the toys scattered everywhere! As far as dinner... it was just spaghetti, nothing fancy at all. And those cookies... the "fresh baked" ones........ they were those kind that all you have to do it pop them in the oven. They even came pre cut into hearts, no work required.
Then he said to me, "Geeze Jessica, here I am giving you a compliment and all you do is...". He didn't need to say anymore.
I will continue to work hard at taking to heart the compliments I receive, especially from my hubby :) I think that's something we could all work on. Use your compliments to encourage you!
So today, I have a smile on my face because to my husband, I am his "little Mrs. Homemaker", thank you very much!
She was soooo talking to me.
Yesterday my husband came home from work to find us sitting down at the table eating dinner. I seemed, to him anyways, to have everything under control. From his perspective the house looked clean, dinner was ready, the kids were actually quiet and eating, and there were even fresh baked Valentine cookies on the counter. He said to me, "Awww... look at you, little Mrs. Homemaker!" I immediately rolled my eyes. I mean come on.... me ... Mrs. Homemaker? I said, "What are you talking about Len?" He replied back everything that I mentioned above. I told him that I was not even hardly a good homemaker. The house wasn't that clean. I literally have to tell people when they walk in the front door to make sure they look where they are walking... I wouldn't want anyone to trip and fall and break an arm over all the toys scattered everywhere! As far as dinner... it was just spaghetti, nothing fancy at all. And those cookies... the "fresh baked" ones........ they were those kind that all you have to do it pop them in the oven. They even came pre cut into hearts, no work required.
Then he said to me, "Geeze Jessica, here I am giving you a compliment and all you do is...". He didn't need to say anymore.
I will continue to work hard at taking to heart the compliments I receive, especially from my hubby :) I think that's something we could all work on. Use your compliments to encourage you!
So today, I have a smile on my face because to my husband, I am his "little Mrs. Homemaker", thank you very much!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Gotta love her!
Our Madaleine... you just gotta love her! Such a sweet, silly, independent, loving little character. Our lives were so blessed the day she entered in. We love you baby girl!
I can't seem to find her...
Classic Maddie... watching tv with her loveable and sippy cup in hand!
OMG girlfriend... pig tails! Love them!
An obsession with accessories already?!? This hat she will NOT take off for some reason today, she must have it on at all times. If it does happen to come off (mainly because of a certain big brother taking it off constantly) she will come to me and cry until I put it back on. She is such a girly girl!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
A new favorite
Daddy had to work late the other day, so the babies and I treated ourselves to some yummy mexican food. I have tried giving the babies cheese enchiladas before, but they had nothing to do with it. I was very surprised when I tried again, they loved it! I'm not sure if they loved the food or making the mess more......... needless to say, we headed straight up to the bath tub when we were finished with dinner.

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Challenge of today...
So I have this dry erase board on the door in our kitchen that goes out to the garage. Everyday I write a quote, bible verse, or inspirational message that relates to our life on that particular day. Today's message is this...
... "Face each challenge with a fierce determination to succeed"
Here is why I chose this message for today. I took the babies to our local library for "book babies" this morning. I used to take them when they were younger, but when they started crawling around all over the place I stopped. I have noooo clue why I decided this morning that we should go, but I did... so we went. I don't know what I was thinking! If I thought that having two babies crawling was difficult, why did I think that having two babies walking would be any easier. There were about 20 other babies in the class this morning. Most of them (for the most part) sat on their little rug and listened to the teacher sing the familiar songs. My kids on the other hand would not sit for anything! They definitely are not shy. They both were wandering all around the room, going up to all the different Mom's, going to the teacher... anything they could do... they would! I was running around that room like crazy trying to keep them somewhat contained in our area that I had placed their rugs for them to "sit" on. The worst part of it all was when the teacher brought out the shakers. My children were not content with their one shaker each. They felt like they needed to go around the room and take all of the other babies shakers! I was just praying that the class would be over soon so that I get gather up my two kids and jet out of there... I just knew all those other Mom's were thinking that I was the most horrible Mother on the face of the Earth. My prayers were answered... it was finally time to go... whew! I loaded the kids up in the car, jumped in the drivers seat and just sat there for a minute. I was thinking to myself.... when did my kids get so naughty, what in the world was I thinking taking them, it is just soooo hard with twins! Then I stopped to turn and look at them in their car seats looking ever so sweet about to fall asleep (by then it was almost nap time). It just hit me... I was using the "it's so hard with twins" excuse! It doesn't matter if I have 2 kids or 20, it is my responsibility as a Mother to teach them right from wrong. So... although book babies was a challenge, I have to face each challenge with a fierce determination to succeed. I am just so glad that today's challenge is having two 14 month olds needing to learn that they can't steal toys from other kids... I definitely am not ready for the challenge of teenagers yet!

... "Face each challenge with a fierce determination to succeed"
Here is why I chose this message for today. I took the babies to our local library for "book babies" this morning. I used to take them when they were younger, but when they started crawling around all over the place I stopped. I have noooo clue why I decided this morning that we should go, but I did... so we went. I don't know what I was thinking! If I thought that having two babies crawling was difficult, why did I think that having two babies walking would be any easier. There were about 20 other babies in the class this morning. Most of them (for the most part) sat on their little rug and listened to the teacher sing the familiar songs. My kids on the other hand would not sit for anything! They definitely are not shy. They both were wandering all around the room, going up to all the different Mom's, going to the teacher... anything they could do... they would! I was running around that room like crazy trying to keep them somewhat contained in our area that I had placed their rugs for them to "sit" on. The worst part of it all was when the teacher brought out the shakers. My children were not content with their one shaker each. They felt like they needed to go around the room and take all of the other babies shakers! I was just praying that the class would be over soon so that I get gather up my two kids and jet out of there... I just knew all those other Mom's were thinking that I was the most horrible Mother on the face of the Earth. My prayers were answered... it was finally time to go... whew! I loaded the kids up in the car, jumped in the drivers seat and just sat there for a minute. I was thinking to myself.... when did my kids get so naughty, what in the world was I thinking taking them, it is just soooo hard with twins! Then I stopped to turn and look at them in their car seats looking ever so sweet about to fall asleep (by then it was almost nap time). It just hit me... I was using the "it's so hard with twins" excuse! It doesn't matter if I have 2 kids or 20, it is my responsibility as a Mother to teach them right from wrong. So... although book babies was a challenge, I have to face each challenge with a fierce determination to succeed. I am just so glad that today's challenge is having two 14 month olds needing to learn that they can't steal toys from other kids... I definitely am not ready for the challenge of teenagers yet!
Here are a few pictures of some challenges today that I have caught on camera...
Challenge: Try to keep up with washing all those sippy cups, bibs, high chair trays...
Challenge: Keep up with that darn remote... we all know Len would be very upset if he knew I was letting the babies play with it... ha!
Challenge: Try to keep Madaliene from learning that that little door nob can open up a world of new opportunities (that a little one her size should not experience yet)!
Challenge: Keep my little monkey from climbing up and over the gate and up the stairs

Have a great day everyone!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
We didn't fall off the face of the Earth...
Not yet anyway! I know that it has been fooorrevvver since I have updated our blog, things (as usual) have just been a little hectic.
First of all, I have some WONDERFUL news to share with you. Back in Dec. my Mom went for a follow up doctor appointment. To keep a long story short, her doc back in Austin found "a suggestion of" a metastasis in her spine and wanted to start her on radiation immediately and gave her 1-3 more years to live. It's a darn good thing my Mom has a good head on her shoulders and a strong will... she told them no way and got a referral here to M.D. Anderson. After going through several more tests, the docs here found that it was not cancer in her spine... it is arthritis!!! I have never been more thrilled that my Mom just has arthritis! (sorry Mom!) Our prayers have been answered... my Mom continues to have her good health! She has been on such a huge roller coaster these last few months with being told that she has 1-3 more years and then to be told that nothing is wrong. Please continue to pray that she can find peace with her day to day life and be able to live it to the fullest now... she deserves it!
We had a scare with Len also back in Dec. On our anniversary, I took my husband to the ER due to heart problems. Talk about scary. On the day that we are suppose to be celebrating past years together and looking forward to many more down the road, we were sitting in an ER room. He was in atrial fibrillation and flutter (basically the top chambers of his heart weren't contracting... they were fluttering). This causes circulation and oxygenation issues and can be a very scary thing because clots can form... then he could have a stroke. They were able to give him a med that converted him back into normal sinus rhythm and sent him home with some blood thinners. I had to give him Lovenox shots everyday until he could follow up with his cardiologist the next week. Once he got in to see his cardiologist, they ran some more tests, sent him home with a monitor to wear for 2 weeks, and told him to continue to take his meds but to stop the Lovenox injections (he was thrilled about that!) So far the beta blocker that they put him on seems to be working because he has not had anymore "episodes". As for his pig valve, that still seems to be working well... so in the end everything turned out to be fine, we just had some very scary moments.
And I know you are all wondering about those precious babies... they are just as cute as can be! They did get sick about 3 weeks ago with a horrible cold. Maddie got it first, then Daddy, then Mommy, then Gavin. Madaleine seems to be well now, but Gavin still has his runny nose, horrible cough, and is now on antibiotics for an ear infection. Other than that they are both doing just fine and growing up way to fast! Of course they are walking, or running rather, all over the place! They are starting to understand some things. They know what no no means. It is so funny because when they find a no no (a shoe, the cat food bowl, etc.) they will pick it up and bring it to us saying "no no no no". Surprisingly Gavin seems to be talking a lot more than Maddie. Gavin has many things that he says... ba pa for backpack, no no, titat for kitty cat, ba for ball, and of course the usual ma ma, da da and things like that. He does try to imitate whatever you say as well. Madaleine is getting a more independent personality and is wanting to do everything herself. She gets very frustrated with things if they are not doing what she wants them to do. They are both off bottles and are using sippy cups! I was so worried about how to get them off the bottle, but soon after they turned 12 months it just happened! They are good little scheduled nappers... they take a nap from about 11:00-1:00 and then again about 4:30 to 5:30. We are still working on eating table food. Since they got sick we took a few steps back. Hopefully once they start feeling better they will eat a little better. I sure do love our kids... they put a smile on my face every day!
As for me, I am trying to find a balance in my life (I know all the Moms out there know what I'm talking about!) I have a lot to juggle, and I am trying every day to do it more efficiently and to do it with a joyful heart! Sometimes the day to day things that I do just seem to be so mundane... wash sippy cups, make breakfast, wash high chair trays, laundry... you get the picture. I am finding that if I am able to do these things with a joyful heart, my day seems to go a little smoother and I am happier overall. I also am trying to keep up, but understand that if one day I don't get everything done that it's okay... there is always tomorrow.
I know you are probably expecting pictures, but you will have to wait. The fact of the matter is that I have not uploaded any recently and am just to tired to do it tonight. I promise though... I will put some pictures of those little angels up soon!
First of all, I have some WONDERFUL news to share with you. Back in Dec. my Mom went for a follow up doctor appointment. To keep a long story short, her doc back in Austin found "a suggestion of" a metastasis in her spine and wanted to start her on radiation immediately and gave her 1-3 more years to live. It's a darn good thing my Mom has a good head on her shoulders and a strong will... she told them no way and got a referral here to M.D. Anderson. After going through several more tests, the docs here found that it was not cancer in her spine... it is arthritis!!! I have never been more thrilled that my Mom just has arthritis! (sorry Mom!) Our prayers have been answered... my Mom continues to have her good health! She has been on such a huge roller coaster these last few months with being told that she has 1-3 more years and then to be told that nothing is wrong. Please continue to pray that she can find peace with her day to day life and be able to live it to the fullest now... she deserves it!
We had a scare with Len also back in Dec. On our anniversary, I took my husband to the ER due to heart problems. Talk about scary. On the day that we are suppose to be celebrating past years together and looking forward to many more down the road, we were sitting in an ER room. He was in atrial fibrillation and flutter (basically the top chambers of his heart weren't contracting... they were fluttering). This causes circulation and oxygenation issues and can be a very scary thing because clots can form... then he could have a stroke. They were able to give him a med that converted him back into normal sinus rhythm and sent him home with some blood thinners. I had to give him Lovenox shots everyday until he could follow up with his cardiologist the next week. Once he got in to see his cardiologist, they ran some more tests, sent him home with a monitor to wear for 2 weeks, and told him to continue to take his meds but to stop the Lovenox injections (he was thrilled about that!) So far the beta blocker that they put him on seems to be working because he has not had anymore "episodes". As for his pig valve, that still seems to be working well... so in the end everything turned out to be fine, we just had some very scary moments.
And I know you are all wondering about those precious babies... they are just as cute as can be! They did get sick about 3 weeks ago with a horrible cold. Maddie got it first, then Daddy, then Mommy, then Gavin. Madaleine seems to be well now, but Gavin still has his runny nose, horrible cough, and is now on antibiotics for an ear infection. Other than that they are both doing just fine and growing up way to fast! Of course they are walking, or running rather, all over the place! They are starting to understand some things. They know what no no means. It is so funny because when they find a no no (a shoe, the cat food bowl, etc.) they will pick it up and bring it to us saying "no no no no". Surprisingly Gavin seems to be talking a lot more than Maddie. Gavin has many things that he says... ba pa for backpack, no no, titat for kitty cat, ba for ball, and of course the usual ma ma, da da and things like that. He does try to imitate whatever you say as well. Madaleine is getting a more independent personality and is wanting to do everything herself. She gets very frustrated with things if they are not doing what she wants them to do. They are both off bottles and are using sippy cups! I was so worried about how to get them off the bottle, but soon after they turned 12 months it just happened! They are good little scheduled nappers... they take a nap from about 11:00-1:00 and then again about 4:30 to 5:30. We are still working on eating table food. Since they got sick we took a few steps back. Hopefully once they start feeling better they will eat a little better. I sure do love our kids... they put a smile on my face every day!
As for me, I am trying to find a balance in my life (I know all the Moms out there know what I'm talking about!) I have a lot to juggle, and I am trying every day to do it more efficiently and to do it with a joyful heart! Sometimes the day to day things that I do just seem to be so mundane... wash sippy cups, make breakfast, wash high chair trays, laundry... you get the picture. I am finding that if I am able to do these things with a joyful heart, my day seems to go a little smoother and I am happier overall. I also am trying to keep up, but understand that if one day I don't get everything done that it's okay... there is always tomorrow.
I know you are probably expecting pictures, but you will have to wait. The fact of the matter is that I have not uploaded any recently and am just to tired to do it tonight. I promise though... I will put some pictures of those little angels up soon!
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