... "Face each challenge with a fierce determination to succeed"
Here is why I chose this message for today. I took the babies to our local library for "book babies" this morning. I used to take them when they were younger, but when they started crawling around all over the place I stopped. I have noooo clue why I decided this morning that we should go, but I did... so we went. I don't know what I was thinking! If I thought that having two babies crawling was difficult, why did I think that having two babies walking would be any easier. There were about 20 other babies in the class this morning. Most of them (for the most part) sat on their little rug and listened to the teacher sing the familiar songs. My kids on the other hand would not sit for anything! They definitely are not shy. They both were wandering all around the room, going up to all the different Mom's, going to the teacher... anything they could do... they would! I was running around that room like crazy trying to keep them somewhat contained in our area that I had placed their rugs for them to "sit" on. The worst part of it all was when the teacher brought out the shakers. My children were not content with their one shaker each. They felt like they needed to go around the room and take all of the other babies shakers! I was just praying that the class would be over soon so that I get gather up my two kids and jet out of there... I just knew all those other Mom's were thinking that I was the most horrible Mother on the face of the Earth. My prayers were answered... it was finally time to go... whew! I loaded the kids up in the car, jumped in the drivers seat and just sat there for a minute. I was thinking to myself.... when did my kids get so naughty, what in the world was I thinking taking them, it is just soooo hard with twins! Then I stopped to turn and look at them in their car seats looking ever so sweet about to fall asleep (by then it was almost nap time). It just hit me... I was using the "it's so hard with twins" excuse! It doesn't matter if I have 2 kids or 20, it is my responsibility as a Mother to teach them right from wrong. So... although book babies was a challenge, I have to face each challenge with a fierce determination to succeed. I am just so glad that today's challenge is having two 14 month olds needing to learn that they can't steal toys from other kids... I definitely am not ready for the challenge of teenagers yet!
Here are a few pictures of some challenges today that I have caught on camera...
Challenge: Try to keep up with washing all those sippy cups, bibs, high chair trays...
Challenge: Keep up with that darn remote... we all know Len would be very upset if he knew I was letting the babies play with it... ha!
Challenge: Try to keep Madaliene from learning that that little door nob can open up a world of new opportunities (that a little one her size should not experience yet)!
Challenge: Keep my little monkey from climbing up and over the gate and up the stairs

Have a great day everyone!
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