And the toddler bed.... ohhhhhhhhh. I hate the toddler bed. There have been some really rough nights. Life was sooo easy before the toddler bed. I would just lay each of the babies down in their crib, close the door, and they would put themselves to sleep.
Since putting Madaleine in her toddler bed, she is having a hard time going to sleep and she cries as soon as we even say the word "night night". It is getting better though. I would say now that she will only cry about half the time, and the other half is the crying for an hour. Nap times are rough as well. It now takes her about an hour before she will fall asleep. For the most time though she doesn't cry with naps, she just walks around her room until she falls asleep on the floor... yes, the floor. There has not been one nap yet where she actually has slept in her bed.
Overall, she is surviving the transition... she just still needs a little more time.

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