Well, since my last post was in April, I guess I can't really call this post an update. We just have to sort of pick up from here and now. There have been some big changes in our household these past few months. The biggest one being...

I'm pregnant with baby number three! This picture cracks me up because the kids are so crazy. Madaleine is doing a really big "cheese" smile, and Gavin is also doing one of his "cheese" smiles, but also distracted by whatever is on tv. The kiddos are really excited about being a big brother and big sister. They ask about their baby dot (that is what they call the baby) every day and give my tummy kisses. I think they are going to be great with their new baby!

Here is a good profile picture of the baby when I was about 13 weeks. I think the baby looks like Madaleine here :) I am just about 18 weeks along now, and am feeling pretty good. We had a few scares in the beginning, but those issues have seemed to pass. This pregnancy has been so different from my last one. First of all, there is just one baby this time. That's a huge difference. Also with this pregnancy, I find myself to be a little more nervous about the well being of the baby for some reason. I don't know why, it's just in my head and I can't seem to get rid of all the nerves this time. We also really haven't done much as of right now to prepare for baby. We find out if it is a boy or girl next week, so I'm thinking after that we will start to get serious about everything. We saved everything from Gavin and Madaleine... so it's just a matter of sorting through it all and getting it all ready to go.

This fall the kids will start preschool. They are excited about it. I just can't believe that they are big enough already for preschool. Where has all the time gone? And I still can't imagine what I am going to do with myself for those days when they are in school. For the past three and a half years, I have had my babies with me by my side. I will probably be the only crazy Mom crying when she drops her babies off at preschool. At least for now I can blame it on all the hormones :)
I am planning on posting belly pics/pregnancy highlights soon. I sort of regret that I didn't do that when I was pregnant with the twins, so I'm going to try to do it this time.
That's it for now... until next time.
1 comment:
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you guys! What a blessing. And I can't believe how big and grown-up looking your little munchkins are! If our kids were at the same preschool you wouldn't be the only crazy mom crying on the first day. I totally lost it when I dropped lily off at school last fall. And on the LAST day of school too. I'm expecting tears (only from me, not her) on the firs day of Pre-K this fall too. Haha!
So happy to hear that y'all are doing well.
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