We headed out to Hermann Park this afternoon for a picnic lunch, and then went to the zoo. It sure did seem like the entire city of Houston was there today... geeze. We took the kids to the zoo about a year ago, and it wasn't so much fun. The kids weren't really interested in looking at the animals back then, and all they wanted to do was RUN. Put me in a crowded public place with two kids running in opposite directions, and I call it a day and swear I will never go back. I'm glad that I forget though, and do go back eventually. This time was soooo much better. The kids loved seeing all the animals, and they have "grown up" enough to know to stay with us and not run away. It was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to going back soon... on a week day when it's not as crowded :)
The kiddos and their handsome Daddy

And here they are with their Mommy. Unfortunately, most all the pics turn out this way... mouth full of food, trying to get everyone to smile and look in the same direction... it just doesn't work. Oh well.
Little missy with her bubbles. She is thinking bubbles are the greatest thing in the world right now :)

When we asked Madaleine what her favorite part of her day was, she said it was riding the carousel.

I love this age and how such simple things can put the biggest smiles on their faces. So precious to me.

I love their little inquisitive minds

When and how did she grow up so fast? She looks like such a kid in this picture.

I thought this was too funny. I must have been yelling very loudly to look at me, smile, and say cheese, because I obviously got the kid in the background to do those things and wave... ha! I guess my kids tune me out. It's nice to know I can still get someones attention though :)

This picture just proves how Len and I obviously don't get out much. We parked in garage 4, and as Len was waiting for his parking ticket to print out, he was surprised when this came out instead. What in the world??? Where have I been?
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