This post isn't of anything in particular... just a few sweet nothings.
Tonight at dinner, Len said the prayer before we ate. It went something like "bless this food to nourish our bodies and thank you for the hands that prepared it...". Len was finished with the prayer and said amen. Apparently Gavin thought that there was something big that his Daddy left out of that prayer, because he very quickly added, "And please help us to have brownies."
Of course I had to make a big pan of brownies after that sweet little request. :)

This is the kids tonight eating their favorite dinner... "basagna" (lasagna)
My hubby... I love him to death. He has his quirks though. For the past few weeks, he has been sending me emails from work with pictures of the car he would like for us to get.

This is a Mercedes Sprinter my friends... and Len is obsessed. I have no idea why. It is hideous. He is serious though. He keeps telling me that everyone would be so comfortable and have so much room. He thinks it's the greatest thing that you can actually stand up in the back.
I don't think so. I really don't know where he comes up with these things.

This is Gavin "fixing" his sister's bike. He has one of his toy screw drivers. Any time he is fixing something he tells me to call him the plumber.
Our kids have this thing with saying their names are different characters from different shows they watch. They insist that we call them by these names. Most recently they have been in love with the new show Bubble Guppies. There are two characters whose names are Molly and Gill. We were at the park the other day and a older girl (she was about 7) asked them what their names were. Of course Gavin said his name was Gill and Madaleine said her name was Molly. It was the funniest thing to see all the other kids call them Gill and Molly, and they actually responded to it like it was really their names.
I have caught myself calling my kids Uniqua and Pablo in the grocery store isle trying to get them to behave. I'm sure that made people wonder about us.
1 comment:
Hi Jessica, I can't believe how big your little ones are getting! We sent a Christmas card to your old address, but of course it was returned. You can always see pictures of Lily on my blog though. :) I think of you and your family often - hope all is well. - Jessie
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