Saturday, October 31, 2009


Well, we have put an offer on a house and it was accepted! If all goes according to plan, we will be closing on the new home Dec. 11! We are very excited and are looking forward to it!

Things have been pretty much normal around here for us. Len continues to put in long hours at work (poor guy!) and therefore I continue to put in long hours with the kids at home. Being in this apartment is really getting to the kids. Gavin now is having an extremely hard time sleeping. He was always the easy one to get to sleep, but boy... how things have changed! All of a sudden one night when putting him down, he just started screaming. Ever since then, it takes at least an hour and a half to get him to sleep (both for bed time and nap time), and he is now waking up multiple times during the night as well. Ugh. We are all exhausted.

Like I said... we are VERY excited about moving, and I'm hoping that will solve all of these sleeping issues.

Hope everyone has a Happy Halloween!

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