Here is a video of Gavin laughing at his sister. It was so cute... all of a sudden he just sarted laughing at her. It is so neat to see them interact with each other. And by the way... Gavin rolled from his back to his tummy yesterday! He has been rolling at night from his tummy to his back... but he finally did it the other way. Not long before I have crawlers on my hands... wish me luck!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
We had a moment
Last night at around 11:00 Len and I were getting ready for bed. We heard one of the babies on the monitor, so we both went into their room to see who it was waking up. It was Gavin. He had rolled himself from his tummy to his back... and he didn't like it. He has been doing this the past couple of nights. Since he is a tummy sleeper, he cries until I come in there to roll him back over. I rolled him back over and we both waited for him to settle down and fall back asleep. He rolled again from his tummy to his back. Len and I just started laughing. It was so cute to see him wearing his skin tight footed pjs and to see his little bottom sticking up in the air as he was rolling over. It's hard to explain, but in that moment everything was perfect. As Len and I were looking down at our children, we just couldn't get the proud parent grin off of our faces. We just stood there and watched our two little ones sleeping for a while. In our crazy and hectic life, it is those moments that make us remember that everything is perfect and that we finally have the beautiful family we have always wanted.
Bad Mommy
I thought it would be cute to take a picture and show everyone what the babies can now do (sit up), but it turned out to be a bad idea. Both babies can now balance for a few seconds sitting up without support. I wanted to get a picture of them both doing it at the same time. I thought I was prepared to catch them if they starting falling over, but I guess I was wrong. As soon as I got the picture and was putting the camera away I saw Gavin start to fall backwards, and I wasn't quick enough to catch him. He hit the floor and gave me this look like what just happened.... then started screaming. I felt soooo bad! I have won the bad Mommy award for the day. And I might add that this is not the first time a baby has gotten their head bumped because of Mommy. The other day as I was leaving the bathroom from hagging up Maddie's towel, I turned and slammed Maddie's head right into the door frame! She started crying...and I wasn't too far behind her! Shame on Mommy!

Here they are sitting up all by themselves... for the moment!

Maddie: "I'm sorry you bumped your head Gavin, let me kiss it for you!"

Here they are sitting up all by themselves... for the moment!

Maddie: "I'm sorry you bumped your head Gavin, let me kiss it for you!"
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The camera was missing!
Well, there have been no new pictures recently because I had lost the camera! Thankfully I found it tonight, so there will be some pics coming soon... but for now I will tell you about the updates and post pics later.
We have been very busy lately getting into lots of things. The babies have been getting bored being at home during the day, so we try and get out as much as possible now. It is quite a task getting out the door because I am definitely out numbered by babies and bags and all the other things I have to bring! Somehow we manage it though and we enjoy ourselves when we are out. We take lots of trips to the mall to just walk around... but I get into trouble when I start spending money... so we try to not do that as much. We have also been going to book babies at the library. It is a small group of parents who bring their babies and sing songs, etc. They both love to see all the people and watch everything that goes on there. We also went to a play group today with other moms of multiples.... talk about being out numbered! There were 8 babies and 4 moms. It was nice to see how other moms delt with their multiples and to see that we are all really the same... busy constantly! It was funny because all of the babies EXCEPT for my two took naps... imagine that. You would think with 8 babies that it would be crazy, but actually it went very well and everyone did great! It's so nice to get out of the house and meet with moms who share our same experiences.
We finally have a roller on our hands! Maddie has started to roll from her back to her tummy and is liking staying on her tummy for longer periods of time now. We are still working with Gavin on rolling over... he is getting close! They can both sit up and balance for a few seconds without being held. Gavin has found that he can make silly noises with his lips and tongue and is constantly blowing slobber bubbles. They are getting a little better sleeping through the night... and actually they both slept all night last night! Gavin woke up about 5:15 and I had to wake Maddie up at 7:45! We will keep our fingers crossed that they continue to do that! Maddie is still our night owl and likes to stay up with her Mommy to watch her shows that are on DVR. Tonight Maddie was cheering on David Cook on American Idol... her first crush!
The best news of all is that we got a new car! We traded in Len's Montero Sport for a Nissan Armada! We have been talking about getting a full size SUV for a while (it was between the Armada and the Tahoe), but it wasn't until I rode home with a friend from work in her Armada that I decided it was time to stop talking about it and actually do it (thanks Angie! :) It is so nice to be able to put the kids in the back seat without having to adjust the front seat every time! I will be sure to post some pics of it once we take some!
We have been very busy lately getting into lots of things. The babies have been getting bored being at home during the day, so we try and get out as much as possible now. It is quite a task getting out the door because I am definitely out numbered by babies and bags and all the other things I have to bring! Somehow we manage it though and we enjoy ourselves when we are out. We take lots of trips to the mall to just walk around... but I get into trouble when I start spending money... so we try to not do that as much. We have also been going to book babies at the library. It is a small group of parents who bring their babies and sing songs, etc. They both love to see all the people and watch everything that goes on there. We also went to a play group today with other moms of multiples.... talk about being out numbered! There were 8 babies and 4 moms. It was nice to see how other moms delt with their multiples and to see that we are all really the same... busy constantly! It was funny because all of the babies EXCEPT for my two took naps... imagine that. You would think with 8 babies that it would be crazy, but actually it went very well and everyone did great! It's so nice to get out of the house and meet with moms who share our same experiences.
We finally have a roller on our hands! Maddie has started to roll from her back to her tummy and is liking staying on her tummy for longer periods of time now. We are still working with Gavin on rolling over... he is getting close! They can both sit up and balance for a few seconds without being held. Gavin has found that he can make silly noises with his lips and tongue and is constantly blowing slobber bubbles. They are getting a little better sleeping through the night... and actually they both slept all night last night! Gavin woke up about 5:15 and I had to wake Maddie up at 7:45! We will keep our fingers crossed that they continue to do that! Maddie is still our night owl and likes to stay up with her Mommy to watch her shows that are on DVR. Tonight Maddie was cheering on David Cook on American Idol... her first crush!
The best news of all is that we got a new car! We traded in Len's Montero Sport for a Nissan Armada! We have been talking about getting a full size SUV for a while (it was between the Armada and the Tahoe), but it wasn't until I rode home with a friend from work in her Armada that I decided it was time to stop talking about it and actually do it (thanks Angie! :) It is so nice to be able to put the kids in the back seat without having to adjust the front seat every time! I will be sure to post some pics of it once we take some!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Giggle Giggle!
Here is a video of Maddie laughing. All I was doing was saying "boo"... she thought it was so funny. I love it when she giggles.... it's so cute. As soon as we get Gavin on video laughing, I will be sure to post it!
My first Mother's Day
Sunday was my first Mother's Day!! Len was such a wonderful husband and made the day so special for me. It all started with Len letting me sleep in until 8:00!!! Since this year it would have been a little to difficult for Len to do the whole breakfast-in-bed thing, we did babies-in-bed instead. I was pleasantly awoken by Gavin first, and then Madaleine decided to join the party. After pictures in bed with my sweeties, we all went down stairs where Len had waiting for me my favorite breakfast casserole that he had made himself! It was nice to have a good breakfast instead of something on the run for a change! After getting everyone ready we went to Church. Once we got back home, Len let me go nap!!! I know it doesn't sound exciting... but trust me, it was the best thing ever! Then Len took us all out to eat for lunch/dinner. It was such a wonderful day. I appreciate Len so much for everything he did. Most of all, I am so thanksful for my children who made my day special. I am so blessed that I get to mother these two precious hearts! I love you with all my heart Len, Gavin, and Maddie!!!

Here is Gavin waking me up to tell me happy Mother's Day

Here we all are... everyone still a little sleepy as you can tell!

Here is Gavin waking me up to tell me happy Mother's Day

Here we all are... everyone still a little sleepy as you can tell!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Five months old today!
The twins are now five months old! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I remember when the babies were brand new and I was wanting them to get a little bigger so that we could sleep, eat, and do all those other things you need to do to survive... but now I'm wishing that they would stay little forever! I find myself smothering them with kisses all the time because before I know it, they will be telling me enough with the kisses... your embarrassing me! It seems like every day they do something new that reminds me of how fast they are growing and how I need to cherish these precious moments... even though sometimes I still want to pull out all my hair:)

It's hard work being five months old... sometimes you just have to take a break

Maddie: "Hey Mom, where did my toes go? They were just here."

Gavin: "Dad might think these shoes are silly, but I think I'm sportin them really good!"

How do you like his new pj shirt??? He has his eye on Kat down the street who was born just a week before him.

We went over to Aunt Kim's house today. Here is Maddie playing with her Aunt Kim on the bouncing zebra. It was funny because she liked playing with those toys on the spring... but it surprised her when she let go of it and it spung up into her face!

And here is Gavin playing... or should I say eating the zebra

Here is everyone watching tv

It's hard work being five months old... sometimes you just have to take a break

Maddie: "Hey Mom, where did my toes go? They were just here."

Gavin: "Dad might think these shoes are silly, but I think I'm sportin them really good!"

How do you like his new pj shirt??? He has his eye on Kat down the street who was born just a week before him.

We went over to Aunt Kim's house today. Here is Maddie playing with her Aunt Kim on the bouncing zebra. It was funny because she liked playing with those toys on the spring... but it surprised her when she let go of it and it spung up into her face!

And here is Gavin playing... or should I say eating the zebra

Here is everyone watching tv
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Has is already been a year???
I can't believe that it has already been a year since we started with our IVF to get pregnant! We went through so much to get Gavin and Madaleine here! It was defiantly worth every penny spent and every tear shed because in the end we wound up with the two most precious babies in the world! Even with all the shots and anxiety, if we had it all to do over again, I would do it in a heartbeat!

Here are the two embryos that were transferred back into me. They were blastocytsts at this stage that would soon be known as Gavin and Madaleine! I think it is sooo neat that we were able to get a picture of our babies when they were just a whole bunch of cells!

I know... call me obsessed, but here are ALL of the home pregnancy tests that I took. You can see that I got two negative tests (it was too early to be a positive), then I took a day off from doing a test, then the next day I got the positive. Of course when I got the positive I had to take twenty thousand more tests to make sure it was for real! I remember the day that I got that positive. Len didn't know that I had all these home pregnancy tests stashed away because he knew that I would be obsessing and he would not approve. Anyway, when I got the first positive I was upstairs and he was down stairs. I yelled from the top of the banister "Oh my gosh Len, you will never believe this!" He came running because he thought something was wrong... for all he knew I was upstairs sleeping because I had to work that night. When he got upstairs I showed him the test and then I showed him the other two tests that I took which were negative. He was speechless, and we both just sat there with the biggest smiles on our faces! We didn't want to get our hopes up (anything could go wrong)... but from that moment on, all my prayers had been answered and I was the luckiest women in the world!

And here is my first ultrasound when I was six weeks pregnant that showed we were having twins! Gavin was baby A, and his heart had not started beating yet... seven weeks was when we saw his heart beat for the first time. Madaleine was baby B and already had a strong heart beat. Before the ultrasound, people at work didn't think that I was pregnant with twins because I wasn't nauseous or anything... but boy were they wrong! I never really had any major morning sickness or anything with the pregnancy which was nice!

Here are the two embryos that were transferred back into me. They were blastocytsts at this stage that would soon be known as Gavin and Madaleine! I think it is sooo neat that we were able to get a picture of our babies when they were just a whole bunch of cells!

I know... call me obsessed, but here are ALL of the home pregnancy tests that I took. You can see that I got two negative tests (it was too early to be a positive), then I took a day off from doing a test, then the next day I got the positive. Of course when I got the positive I had to take twenty thousand more tests to make sure it was for real! I remember the day that I got that positive. Len didn't know that I had all these home pregnancy tests stashed away because he knew that I would be obsessing and he would not approve. Anyway, when I got the first positive I was upstairs and he was down stairs. I yelled from the top of the banister "Oh my gosh Len, you will never believe this!" He came running because he thought something was wrong... for all he knew I was upstairs sleeping because I had to work that night. When he got upstairs I showed him the test and then I showed him the other two tests that I took which were negative. He was speechless, and we both just sat there with the biggest smiles on our faces! We didn't want to get our hopes up (anything could go wrong)... but from that moment on, all my prayers had been answered and I was the luckiest women in the world!

And here is my first ultrasound when I was six weeks pregnant that showed we were having twins! Gavin was baby A, and his heart had not started beating yet... seven weeks was when we saw his heart beat for the first time. Madaleine was baby B and already had a strong heart beat. Before the ultrasound, people at work didn't think that I was pregnant with twins because I wasn't nauseous or anything... but boy were they wrong! I never really had any major morning sickness or anything with the pregnancy which was nice!
Sorry it has been a while!
Well, things have been busy lately so the blog has fallen behind needless to say.... sorry about that. I used to blog at night once we got the kids to bed, but here lately Madaleine has decided that she does not want to go to sleep after her bath and night night bottle, so she stays up about an hour after Gavin. When we are finally able to get her to sleep, I am so exhausted that I don't blog... I just go to bed as well.
Anyways, the babies are both doing great. They are constantly chewing their fingers now and gagging themselves. They have found their feet and love to play with them. Neither of the babies have rolled over yet... but I think (I hope) it is coming soon. As far as feeding goes, we have tried carrots, peas, apples, bananas, and peaches. They only thing they have not liked so far were the peaches. I was very surprised to see that they really like their carrots and peas!
Grammie came into town this past weekend. It was so great to see her again! Gavin "talked" to his Grammie for about 20 minutes when she got to our house! I hear it was really cute (I was at work). We are planning our first trip to Austin in June... we can't wait!
Enough talking... here are the pics from the last few weeks!

Maddie is almost rolling over... she just needs to get over that one arm!

"How do you like my new lipstick?" AKA carrots

Warning-- we have a couch potato on our hands already!

"Hey Dad, this is GREAT... why don't you come join me?"

Here is a pic of all the grandbabies together... it was impossible to get everyone to look at the camera and smile all at the same time!

Here is Grammie in grandbaby heaven! (Again impossible to get everyone to look and smile!)
Anyways, the babies are both doing great. They are constantly chewing their fingers now and gagging themselves. They have found their feet and love to play with them. Neither of the babies have rolled over yet... but I think (I hope) it is coming soon. As far as feeding goes, we have tried carrots, peas, apples, bananas, and peaches. They only thing they have not liked so far were the peaches. I was very surprised to see that they really like their carrots and peas!
Grammie came into town this past weekend. It was so great to see her again! Gavin "talked" to his Grammie for about 20 minutes when she got to our house! I hear it was really cute (I was at work). We are planning our first trip to Austin in June... we can't wait!
Enough talking... here are the pics from the last few weeks!

Maddie is almost rolling over... she just needs to get over that one arm!

"How do you like my new lipstick?" AKA carrots

Warning-- we have a couch potato on our hands already!

"Hey Dad, this is GREAT... why don't you come join me?"

Here is a pic of all the grandbabies together... it was impossible to get everyone to look at the camera and smile all at the same time!

Here is Grammie in grandbaby heaven! (Again impossible to get everyone to look and smile!)
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