Friday, May 9, 2008

Five months old today!

The twins are now five months old! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I remember when the babies were brand new and I was wanting them to get a little bigger so that we could sleep, eat, and do all those other things you need to do to survive... but now I'm wishing that they would stay little forever! I find myself smothering them with kisses all the time because before I know it, they will be telling me enough with the kisses... your embarrassing me! It seems like every day they do something new that reminds me of how fast they are growing and how I need to cherish these precious moments... even though sometimes I still want to pull out all my hair:)

It's hard work being five months old... sometimes you just have to take a break

Maddie: "Hey Mom, where did my toes go? They were just here."

Gavin: "Dad might think these shoes are silly, but I think I'm sportin them really good!"

How do you like his new pj shirt??? He has his eye on Kat down the street who was born just a week before him.

We went over to Aunt Kim's house today. Here is Maddie playing with her Aunt Kim on the bouncing zebra. It was funny because she liked playing with those toys on the spring... but it surprised her when she let go of it and it spung up into her face!

And here is Gavin playing... or should I say eating the zebra

Here is everyone watching tv

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