Well, there have been no new pictures recently because I had lost the camera! Thankfully I found it tonight, so there will be some pics coming soon... but for now I will tell you about the updates and post pics later.
We have been very busy lately getting into lots of things. The babies have been getting bored being at home during the day, so we try and get out as much as possible now. It is quite a task getting out the door because I am definitely out numbered by babies and bags and all the other things I have to bring! Somehow we manage it though and we enjoy ourselves when we are out. We take lots of trips to the mall to just walk around... but I get into trouble when I start spending money... so we try to not do that as much. We have also been going to book babies at the library. It is a small group of parents who bring their babies and sing songs, etc. They both love to see all the people and watch everything that goes on there. We also went to a play group today with other moms of multiples.... talk about being out numbered! There were 8 babies and 4 moms. It was nice to see how other moms delt with their multiples and to see that we are all really the same... busy constantly! It was funny because all of the babies EXCEPT for my two took naps... imagine that. You would think with 8 babies that it would be crazy, but actually it went very well and everyone did great! It's so nice to get out of the house and meet with moms who share our same experiences.
We finally have a roller on our hands! Maddie has started to roll from her back to her tummy and is liking staying on her tummy for longer periods of time now. We are still working with Gavin on rolling over... he is getting close! They can both sit up and balance for a few seconds without being held. Gavin has found that he can make silly noises with his lips and tongue and is constantly blowing slobber bubbles. They are getting a little better sleeping through the night... and actually they both slept all night last night! Gavin woke up about 5:15 and I had to wake Maddie up at 7:45! We will keep our fingers crossed that they continue to do that! Maddie is still our night owl and likes to stay up with her Mommy to watch her shows that are on DVR. Tonight Maddie was cheering on David Cook on American Idol... her first crush!
The best news of all is that we got a new car! We traded in Len's Montero Sport for a Nissan Armada! We have been talking about getting a full size SUV for a while (it was between the Armada and the Tahoe), but it wasn't until I rode home with a friend from work in her Armada that I decided it was time to stop talking about it and actually do it (thanks Angie! :) It is so nice to be able to put the kids in the back seat without having to adjust the front seat every time! I will be sure to post some pics of it once we take some!
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