Here are the two embryos that were transferred back into me. They were blastocytsts at this stage that would soon be known as Gavin and Madaleine! I think it is sooo neat that we were able to get a picture of our babies when they were just a whole bunch of cells!

I know... call me obsessed, but here are ALL of the home pregnancy tests that I took. You can see that I got two negative tests (it was too early to be a positive), then I took a day off from doing a test, then the next day I got the positive. Of course when I got the positive I had to take twenty thousand more tests to make sure it was for real! I remember the day that I got that positive. Len didn't know that I had all these home pregnancy tests stashed away because he knew that I would be obsessing and he would not approve. Anyway, when I got the first positive I was upstairs and he was down stairs. I yelled from the top of the banister "Oh my gosh Len, you will never believe this!" He came running because he thought something was wrong... for all he knew I was upstairs sleeping because I had to work that night. When he got upstairs I showed him the test and then I showed him the other two tests that I took which were negative. He was speechless, and we both just sat there with the biggest smiles on our faces! We didn't want to get our hopes up (anything could go wrong)... but from that moment on, all my prayers had been answered and I was the luckiest women in the world!

And here is my first ultrasound when I was six weeks pregnant that showed we were having twins! Gavin was baby A, and his heart had not started beating yet... seven weeks was when we saw his heart beat for the first time. Madaleine was baby B and already had a strong heart beat. Before the ultrasound, people at work didn't think that I was pregnant with twins because I wasn't nauseous or anything... but boy were they wrong! I never really had any major morning sickness or anything with the pregnancy which was nice!
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