Monday, September 22, 2008

Getting back to normal after Ike

Whew... what a mess Hurricane Ike was! We were fortunate enough to have left out of town early (we had originally planned a vacation for that weekend in Austin). We had planned on coming home Sunday night, but of course we didn't have power, so we headed up to Dallas to stay with Len's sister for a couple of days. We eventually made our way back home Wednesday night. It was soooo good to be home again. We were gone a total of 7 days, and it was not the "vacation" we had planned at all. The babies were very fussy while out of town... I guess they are more used to their routine here at home than what I thought. We were very fortunate that we did not have any extensive damage. Our tree was up rooted, fence blown over, and a few shingles blown off of the roof... nothing horrible. All in all, we were very fortunate! We are glad to be back home, and glad that this is all behind us!

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