Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh Madaleine....

Madaleine has been keeping me on my toes lately! A few days ago, she discovered where we keep the cat food bowl. Since then, she always wants to go over to it and explore whats in it. I was in the kitchen making dinner when I noticed that she was crawling towards the bowl. I would call her name, she would stop crawling, sit up, and look at me. I would tell her, "No... don't go over there". She would flash me one of those adorable smiles and keep heading towards it. My hands were dirty since I was handling raw meat, so I was tyring my best to keep talking to her so that she would be distracted. She eventually made her way over to the bowl just as I was washing my hands to go get her, and next thing I know she was chomping down on some cat food! I dug it out of her mouth before she could swallow it, but she had a horrible look on her face as if she were saying, "Mom!! Why did you let me eat this nasty stuff???"

Yesterday, I was sitting on the living room floor with Gavin feeding him a bottle. Madaleine was in the living room with me playing with her toys. She saw Gunther (one of our cats) sleeping by the couch, and decided that she needed to go chase him. By the time I had put Gavin down, she had already gotten over to Gunther, Gunther had ran behind the couch, and she went after him! She got herself stuck behind the couch and the wall. I was debating on whether or not I should go get the camera before I got her out, but I decided that that would make me a bad Mommy, so I pulled her our from behind the couch before I could get a picture. I will admit... I never go behind my couch to clean, so when I pulled her out she was a big huge dust bunny! It was hilarious to see.

As if that wasn't enough, today I was sitting on the living room floor (that seems to be where I always am!) eating Apple Jacks cereal. Maddie has been very interested in whatever we are eating lately, and this morning was no different. She started pulling up on me trying to get my bowl. She managed to get a hold of it, and a few apple jacks fell out. I quickly picked them up, threw them away, and sat back down to eat. About 30 seconds went by and I started thinking to myself, wow... I don't have anyone pulling up on me or anything... they are both being so good! I looked over at Madaleine and noticed that the reason she was so content was because she had found an apple jack and was eating it! At least this time it wasn't cat food, right?!?!

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