Friday, May 23, 2008

We had a moment

Last night at around 11:00 Len and I were getting ready for bed. We heard one of the babies on the monitor, so we both went into their room to see who it was waking up. It was Gavin. He had rolled himself from his tummy to his back... and he didn't like it. He has been doing this the past couple of nights. Since he is a tummy sleeper, he cries until I come in there to roll him back over. I rolled him back over and we both waited for him to settle down and fall back asleep. He rolled again from his tummy to his back. Len and I just started laughing. It was so cute to see him wearing his skin tight footed pjs and to see his little bottom sticking up in the air as he was rolling over. It's hard to explain, but in that moment everything was perfect. As Len and I were looking down at our children, we just couldn't get the proud parent grin off of our faces. We just stood there and watched our two little ones sleeping for a while. In our crazy and hectic life, it is those moments that make us remember that everything is perfect and that we finally have the beautiful family we have always wanted.

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